WYSIWYG approach to frontend prototypes

Starting from scratch feels liberating, but when there are many stakeholders involved, different expectations and poor communication may kill the project. What if everyone could provide input in the same form and see the same outcome?

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Debugging JavaScript: various breakpoints

Most of the developers know that you can stop the execution of a script by either placing debugger; in the code or clicking on a specific line in a browser’s debug tool. That’s just a tip of the debugging iceberg.

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How not to write CSS?

In this article I’m going to show some CSS anti-examples, explain them and gradually improve the code.

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Using JSTL custom tags to place SVGs and organise your JSP templates

One of the problems I’ve faced dealing with creating JSP templates is that they easily get out of hand. Sure, you can use includes to divide your template into multiple files but that still might look cumbersome.

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